We can be mothers…

We can be businesswomen…





And sexy all at the same time!?

And many many more…


But my question is… what are you choosing to be today?

Go let go, relax and find that time to be yourself .. to do YOU! 💖🦋

Be kind and gentle to yourself like you would be to your child when you hold them… it’s ok to be in pain, to be wrong, or to feel down.

Just be it and feel it.

And that pain will help you to understand that you have to be as loving and caring to yourself as you would to your beautiful child.


I am learning this month to feel my uncomfortable feelings even if I don’t know what to do with them – I just listen.

And I am trying to be gentle and kind to my inner child/ soul

So post in the comments and tell me .. do you feel the inner voice that is screaming for your attention and kindness to yourself? 

Or are you trying to distract yourself from it?

Would love to know,

Love Ania