Fine Art School Portraits 


What is Fine Art School Photography?

Fine Art School Photography is high-end artistic photography that captures authentic and genuine representation of each child or student through a modern minimalism approach.  I offer professional and personal services that blend creativity with years of refined techniques to provide schools and families with a customized and high-end experience. I am highly selective of the schools I work with and therefore able to accommodate extra time to provide a great customer service and unique artistic portraits that school and parents love.

My aim is to deliver natural and beautifully photographed portraits that capture true essence of each child with no forced smiles. If children do smile in the pictures it is because I am creating a fun and relaxed atmosphere for them.  I take pride in providing meaningful and artistic portraits of each child and student.

How does my service work?

I know schools and parents have busy schedules so everything is set up online before the photoshoot day.  This will help schools and parents customize their experience.

Before the picture day I provide schools with a detailed PDF document to distribute to families.  This has details on ordering process, shooting day preparation and pricing guide.

All questions asked by parents in regards to ordering and printing process are handled by myself.

On Photoshoot Day

I provide all equipment necessary for a photoshoot such as camera, backdrop and lighting if necessary.  I require a room with a large window as well as a parent volunteer or a nursery nurse to help each child look their best before I take the photo of them. I spend 2 to 4 minutes photographing each child, in the order that the school requires. I can also take a class photo if requested.

I offer siblings sessions, that are taking place at the beginning of the day. I also photograph each member of staff and provide them with a complementary print package.

Ordering process

Prints are ordered online by families and then delivered directly to the school.  After the photographs have been taken, I upload 2 to 5 images (both in colour and black-and-white) of each child into online gallery.  The online gallery is ready to access within two weeks of the photoshoot.  The galleries are set up according to grade, class, homeroom or any other order requested by the school. Galleries are password-protected.

What do I provide the schools with?

Schools are provided with a digital file of each child. These can be used as yearbook images, prints for the wall, school website or for anything the school needs. Staff member will also receive a printed and digital photo.

I donate 10% of my profit to the schools, nurseries, day-cares or pre-schools.  

What do I provide the parents with?

Parents usually love seeing their children looking naturally in the photo, without a busy background, awkward poses or fake smiles.

Parents can choose the photos they want, which keeps them involved and in control of the process. I provide prints, canvas and framed photos as well as digital images that families can access online and print themselves.


How many students can be accomodated?

I am able to acommodate small nurseries such as 20 kids up to large schools up to 600 students. I can photograph children from the age of 1 up to 18 years old. I offer my services to pre-schools, day-cares, nursesires, primary and secondary schools and art schools. 

Are the images expensive? 

Not at all, the prices are competitive and nothing is due up front. I give variety of options to fit the needs of every person. You can choose from print collections, a la carte prints and digital images.  The choice is up to the schools and/or parents. 

Parents love seeing their children look their best in the most natural way in their photo without having a busy background, awkward poses or fake smiles. 

Scheduling Fine Art Photoshoot

 I provide services throughout the academic year working with each school to schedule photoshoot days. Requests can be made online.